My book, The End Of Medicine or how I learned to quit worrying and love my disease, is written to describe in detail how and why the Large Intestine is the "root organ" of all disease, and all the many, many symptoms of Metal Disease (LargeIntestine/Lungs) are chronicled in the chapter on Diagnosis in The End of Medicine. In order to be fair to all concerned - purchasers of the book who do not haveweb access, and visitors to The Alchemycal Pages, I am not putting all the details in the book on the website . (If you think I am being unfair in not putting all the details here,consider that I am providing the information on The Alchemycal Pages for free (since June 1996), which costs me 480 dollars a year plus the many, many hours of time put into adding to and maintaining the website, plus answering and giving advice to people who e-mail me, also free). In the book, Chapters 2, 6, 8-11 are taken from pages on the site and have been modified and some minor changes made. Chapters 1, 3-5, 7 and 12 and the Bibliography are not on the website). So, if you are a frequent visitor to The Alchemycal Pages, I urge you to consider buying the book in order to get a fuller picture.
To emphasize why I think you will be doing yourself a service buying The End of Medicine, consider the following:
I have been involved in the quest to discover the origin, source, reasons, meaning etc., of disease since I was 16 years old. In the course of my quest I attended the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science of The University of Liverpool, from where I graduated in 1971, with the Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science. I then entered into the employment of Assistant Veterinary Surgeon and Clinician in Large Animal Practice in various veterinary clinics and practices throughout the United Kingdom for 7 years. It was during this period that I discovered macrobiotics.
At that time, 1975, I was 28 years old and suffering various chronic physical and psychological ailments - chronic painful lower back, sciatica such that some mornings I couldn't even get out of bed I was in so much pain, insomnia, depression, worry, fatigue, and was grossly overweight(200 lbs). And it was within three weeks of starting my macrobiotic life that all these symptoms began to disappear. Now, 25 years later, at the age of 53, I have been pain free the entire time, I have boundless vitality, enthusiasm, sleep like a baby, I weigh 130 lbs.
It was while I was practicing veterinary medicine and surgery while at the same time starting my macrobiotic life that I discovered that modern scientific medicine doesn't have a clue about either disease or health. Now, since I started living macrobiotically I have never seen a doctor, I do not have a doctor because I am my own physician, I do not have health insurance and I do not belong to any so-called Health (Disease) Maintenance Organisation.
In other words, I am independent and free of all the bogus scientific gobbledygook and modern medical propaganda masquerading as medicine today, as a result of living macrobiotically.
I went to the Kushi Institute in Brookline, Mass, in 1979. Then I came to the San Francisco Bay Area with my wife in 1981. Since 1982 I have been doing macrobiotic educational counseling and in that time I have personally counseled thousands of people and seen them heal of every known symptomology of the one disease we are all subject to. These symptomologies include, to name a few, AIDS, arthritis, asthma, allergies, endometriosis, chronic nephritis, breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, candididiasis, hepatitis B and C, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, tinnitis, diabetes and lupus.
Now, I have also seen people with these conditions NOT heal themselves, so there can be no question of macrobiotic living (or any other approach) being a cure for any disease symptomology. Therefore, if you choose to start living macrobiotically then you can expect it to be a difficult and exhilarating path on the way to health.
The End of Medicine gives you a map, a compass and shows you how to start walking on this path. However, the map is not the territory, you have to learn how to use the compass (yin and yang) and you have to do the walking. This is to say, there are no guarantees offered
The following descriptions of this book were written for his Xlibris authors,, webpage no longer available.
A timely follow-up to The End of Medicine, Laughing with Doomsday takes readers past digestion and physical disease into the world of economics, politics, relationships and family structure. Written long before the era of COVID-19, this practical treatise gives the reader a valuable compass to help chart a course out of the wilderness of modern, mechanical thinking into a new, peaceful world of connection to earth, spirit and true purpose in living.
We are in a time of rapid changes that have unsettled the whole world, causing widespread disorientation. In this book, Kaare offers a practical means to work towards revitalizing the environment, becoming self-sufficient and renewing spirituality. He found himself faced with these questions after several years of veterinary practice, but found he was not prepared to answer them. Tha set him out on a quest to delve into human evolution, spirituality, and the cultural fabric of the modern world. Through the lens of macrobiotics and anthroposophy, this book lays out a picture of the heritage that should belong to all human beings.
A timely follow-up to The End of Medicine, this new book takes readers past digestion and physical disease into the world of economics, politics, relationships and family structure. Written long before the era of COVID-19, this practical treatise gives the reader a valuable compass to help chart a course out of the wilderness of modern, mechanical thinking into a new, peaceful world of renewed connection to earth, spirit and true purpose in living.
Laughing with Doomsday is a dream for a better world reminiscent of Thomas More in his Utopia. It differs in that its scope is immense and includes practical methods and goals for a way of life in a living, evolving world and universe. The suggestions are many and therefore offer different starting points for individual change making it possible to hope and begin as one is inspired.
The book covers the basic macrobiotic principles with some emphasis on the spiritual aspects. Anthroposophical views are explained as they relate to the subjects he discusses. the intent was to provide information on how to achieve a harmonious and healthy world by reviving spirituality suggesting modern approaches to ancient wisdom, and using ecological sustainable, farming practices while eating a healthy diet.
In these chapters, he tries to show what it wrong with our current world practice and explain his conception of a better way of life along with some practical suggestions.
A timely follow-up to The End of Medicine, Laughing with Doomsday: Work on What Has Been Spoiled takes readers past digestion and physical disease into the world of economics, politics, relationships and family structure. Written long before the era of global pandemics, this practical treatise gives the reader a valuable compass to help chart a course out of the wilderness of modern, mechanical thinking into a new, peaceful world of connection to earth, spirit and true purpose in living.
Patricia Bursell,
September 3, 2021