Introduction: Page Two: The Process and Stages of Disease
So far we have discussed the first stage of the process of disease.
Since most of us do not know anything about disease, as mentioned
previously, when we experience the symptoms of 'abnormal discharges',
which are evidence the body is healing itself, what we usually
do is take some pill or medication to stop the symptoms of the
body healing itself from being expressed. This effectively blocks
the expression of the excesses being discharged and the process
of disease moves to the next stage.
The second stage of the disease process is set up and this stage
is manifested by the body discharging the excess toxins, in addition
to the processes of abnormal discharge, through the skin. There
are hundreds of different skin diseases some of which are psoriasis,
impetigo, excema, dandruff, acne, pimples, rashes etc. The important
point to understand is that skin discharges signify the organs
of elimination, the kidneys, lungs and large intestine, are becoming
clogged up with excess. Thus approaching the treatment of skin
diseases with topical applications is totally useless; one must
instead address the systemic imbalances of these organs. At this
stage the body still has enough vitality to bring these toxins
to the surface of the body but at some point this inherent vitality
begins to become sapped by constantly pushing the toxins to the
surface of the body and they begin to accumulate in the organs
and tissues themselves.
This signifies the third stage of the disease process, the silent
development of cysts, abcesses, fatty deposits, fibrous deposits,
calcified matter, papillomas, etc. These are the accumulations
of toxic waste matter in the body's organs and tissues. Since
these are silently occurring within the depths of the body the
way it is known to the person occupying this body the accumulations
are occurring is that they begin to feel the emotional effects
of the accumulations.
One of the most important concepts in yin/yang theory is the Five Transformation Theory, which is an
important conceptual tool in oriental medicine. (The link will
take you to a more detailed description of this theory). However,
one of the ramifications of the theory is that when the different
organs of the body begin to become burdened by the accumulation
of toxic matter within them this affects the quality of the life
force (also called formative or etheric force) which is the basis
of the organs. The disturbance in the life force in turn affects
the soul of the person occupying the body, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually. As Rudolf Steiner stated it, "all psychological
problems have their origin in the physical body, all physical
problems have their origin in the psychological".
Thus, as the accumulating toxic matter builds up in the physical
organs they effect emotional disturbances which, in the Five Transformation
Theory, are correlated. For example, if the kidneys/bladder begin
to become stagnated as a result of the build up of toxic matter
within them, then the person so affected begins to feel anxious,
begins to lose confidence and is troubled by fear. In the case
of the lungs/large intestine, the person becomes sad, weepy and
depressed. In the case of the spleen-pancreas/stomach, we begin
to feel doubtful and worried. In the case of the liver/gall bladder,
we become frustrated, impatient and irritable. In the case of
the heart/small intestine, we become excitable and hysterical
These emotional disturbances are of a chronic nature and are identified
as being the result of the toxic accumulations because there is
no ready explanation for them. For instance, in the case of a
person who has recently lost a job, it would be a healthy response
if they were feeling worried as a result.
It is as well to note here that we should not make the error of
supposing all chronic psychological disturbances will disappear
like magic when we adopt a healthy way of eating leading to the
organs clearing themselves of their accumulations. We also have
to address the psychological disturbances from the perspective
of the psyche by engaging in meditative practices and self-reflection
The first three stages of the symptomolgy of the disease process
are referred to as the Phase of Adjustment and if no changes are
made in altering the context of a person's life which leads to
these symptoms then the fourth stage begins.
The forth stage signifies the beginning of the Phase of Degeneration
of the Process of Disease.
Here the toxic accumulations in the various organs and tissues
leads to the malfunction and eventually dysfunction of the organs.
It is at this stage that we have heart disease, diabetes, liver
cirrhosis, kidney failure, spastic colon, glaucoma, hearing impairment,
asthma, etc., etc., ad nauseam. There are at least two thousand,
seven hundred different disease syndromes currently tabulated.
One of the major organs of the body is not normally considered
an organ and this is the blood. The blood stream has in the past
been referred to as the "river of life" and it acts
as the great mediator of the functions of the organs and tissues
of the body. At the fifth stage of the symptomology of the disease
process the blood itself becomes polluted with toxins. In the
previous two stages it has been depositing the toxic waste metabolites
in the organs and tissues as a result of the inability of the
eliminative organs to excrete them. But here, the increase in
the level of toxins has reached the point where the blood can
no longer keep itself relatively clean and we have the stage called
chronic toxaemia. Chronic toxaemia means long-standing poisoning
of the blood.
In the symptomology of the disease process we know the body has
reached this stage by the manifestation of chronic infectious
diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, candidiasis, syphilis and
the host of other infectious diseases erroneously attributed to
the organisms that give their names to them. The understanding
here is the infectious organisms are merely one of the aspects
of the symptomology expressed by the body at this stage, not the
cause of the symptoms.
The germ theory of disease is fundamentally unsound, because it
is based on poor observation and sloppy thinking. In the history
of the development of the germ theory there are three major individuals
involved. Two of them were French scientists, Claude Bernard and
Louis Pasteur. They had an epic struggle over the question of
disease where Claude Bernard, a physiologist, took the position
described here, where the condition of the physical body is the
only significant factor to understand in the development of infectious
diseases, not the infectious organism. He said that the relationship
of the physical body to the microbe (bacteria etc.) is similar
to that of the soil to a seed that is planted in the soil. Whether
the seed germinates and develops in the soil depends on whether
the condition of the soil is suitable for the germination of the
seed. Therefore we must understand how the condition of the body
develops so as to make it possible for the germ to take hold and
multiply. Pasteur, up until his deathbed, maintained that the
soil was nothing and the germ, everything, and he said that we
must devote ourselves to understanding and eradicating the germ.
On his deathbed, however, Pasteur recanted, saying that the soil
was everything, the germ merely secondary.
This is similar to the story of one of the other major individualities
involved in the development of the germ theory, a German scientist,
Virchow. He said on his deathbed that if he had his life to live
over he would devote it to proving that germs attack diseased
flesh, they do not cause disease. The history of modern scientific
medicine is the history of a medicine based on devoting itself
to developing ways to kill bacteria etc with antibiotics and other
poisonous substances, substances not only poisonous to bacteria
etc., but also poisonous to the human organism. And because modern
medicine's understanding of disease is completely lacking, all
the development of pharmaceuticals has lead to is further ingestion
by people with symptoms of disease of substances which cause the
body to become even more diseased!
We can ask ourselves what is the role that microbes such as bacteria,
viruses, ameobae, spirochaetes, and other organisms such as worms,
play in the world. Among their many roles is that they gravitate
to dead and decaying matter and consume them such as to make the
matter available as nutrients to the plant kingdom. Thus we can
say that when the human organism is host to organisms that show
evidence of being pathogenic, this indicates that the internal
tissues and organs of the body are decaying. The fact that transmission
occurs from a person infected with an organism to another person
merely means that the second person's body is also in a state
of decay, a suitable host for the organism to become pathogenic.
Actually, as a result of writing my book, "The End Of
Medicine" (don't forget to get your copy!), where I also
discuss the "Process of Disease/Healing" I make the
following observation, which I believe is more accurate. "An
organism is not pathogenic because it causes pathogenic changes
in human tissue; it is pathogenic because it is attracted to human
tissue which is undergoing pathogenic deterioration."
If a person has a healthy physical organism and they come into
contact with a person who is host to an organism which is showing
pathogenic behavior in that person's body, ie., they have herpes
or hepatitis or candidiasis, then even if the organism gain entrance
to the healthy body, that organism will find the healthy body
an unsuitable environment for their replication and either be
destroyed as a result of healthy immune function or be excreted.
It is vital to note here that when the healthy body has successfully
dispatched a potentially pathogenic organism, it shows evidence
of having done so by having antibodies to that organism present
in the blood. I will come back to this point later in the discussion
of AIDS. The absolutely critical point to understand is that organisms
are not the causative factor of infectious diseases, they are
merely one of the symptoms. In other words, if a person has, say,
pneumonia, and a bacteria is found in samples taken from the lungs
of the person showing symptoms of pneumonia, then the bacteria
is simply one aspect of the symptoms of that person's pneumonia.
If the person's body has managed to avoid destruction through
the first five stages of disease (it is also critical to understand
that every stage of the symptomology of the disease process of
the body is evidence the body is attempting to heal itself) then
we come to the sixth stage.
Here the blood, in its attempt to maintain the viability of the
physical organism, deposits the excess waste metabolites in special
sites which I call toxic waste disposal dumps, normally referred
to as tumors, that is, cancer. We can conclude the discussion
on cancer, which actually deserves an essay to itself, by noting
in 1960 the cancer rate was such that one out of every sixteen
people in the United States could expect to get cancer if they
lived to be sixty years old; in 1985, the rate had accelerated
to one in three; today the rate is probably two out of three.
I call the seventh stage of the disease process "Return"
because in the 'I Ching' it states "all movement occurs in
six stages, and the seventh brings return". The term is taken
in this context to mean one either returns to the spirit world,
conventionally called death, or one takes in hand the fact that
sickness is the result of our mistakes and we proceed to correct
the mistakes, not only with regard to our dietary habits.
The Process of Healing
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this address every week. Thank you. Patricia
Copyright © Kaare Bursell, 1996-2031.